
As-salaamu alaikum and welcome to MuslimConvertSupport.com. This website is a new resource with the intention of providing information and resources for Convert Muslims whether you’ve recently embraced Islam or you’ve been a veteran of our deen for decades. The life experience of Muslims who were not born into the faith is rife with unique challenges in addition to the challenges of being a Muslim to begin with.

This site is also a resource for Born Muslims to gain an understanding of the needs and challenges of Converts for mutual benefit. If you’re a born Muslim you are just as welcome as anyone to join us in learning or contributing.

This site started as a project to publish video series for learning how to pray but is poised to grow into a much wider purpose. For now, excuse our dust while we build the website as time goes on. For now, please enjoy the Prayer Crash Course and don’t hesitate to submit your thoughts and/or questions through the Contact page.

Whatever your situation is, may Allah make it easier and give you the best in this life and the next … ameen.

Quick Links

Learn How to Pray

As it is arguably the most important thing to learn and do, second only to our declaration of faith – the shahada – which makes us Muslim, learning how to pray is a top priority, but it doesn’t have to be hard.

Our Prayer Crash Course is designed to make it easy to get started by first learning the skeleton of the prayer so you can start praying right away and then build upon it until you know the full prayer in Arabic.

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Get started right away!

Matrimonial Events

We are accepting applications for matrimonials for Convert Muslims. This event is open to all Muslims so feel free to apply if you're a Born Muslim, but priority will be given Converts.