Muslim Convert Matrimonial Event

We are taking applications for a potential Islamic Matrimonial event for Convert Muslims. This event is open to all Muslims but priority will be given to Convert Muslims. Once we have enough applicants, you will be invited to register and pay for the event. After your payment is confirmed, the date, time and address of the event will be communicated to you via email. If we can't fit you into the upcoming event, we will do our best to fit you in for a future event.


All Muslims are welcome to apply. However, priority will be given to Convert Muslims. This means that Born Muslims will be invited to fill remaining spots that will either bring balance to the event in terms of age / gender or to add to the numbers if the turnout is low. If you're not invited to the upcoming event, you will remain on the list for invitation to future events.

Please keep in mind that we are trying to address a need for Convert Muslims that is largely unmet. We are not trying to exclude people. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

We are not providing a match-making service. The information provided in the application is to assist us in grouping candidates primarily by age and of course gender. We will not be making any judgments about compatibility, readiness for marriage, or any other personal matters. Typically, if you apply, you are a Muslim, you are an adult, and you are looking to get married, then that's all we need to know. Everything else is up to you and the person you meet.

Keep in mind our disclaimer that we are not responsible for anything that takes place outside of the event. This is a service to be conducted in a halal manner and we expect all participants to conduct themselves accordingly.

We will be utilizing married couples to chaperone the event and to provide a bridge of communication. If a candidate brother is interested in a candidate sister, then the candidate brother will communicate with one of the married brothers volunteering as a coordinator. The married brother will then communicate the interest with his wife. The wife will then communicate with the candidate sister. If the candidate sister is interested and available, then the married sister will communicate that back to her husband who will communicate that back to the candidate brother. Of course the interest could be communicated in the opposite direction where the candidate sister initiates interest in the candidate brother to the married sister, who will communicate with her husband, so on and so forth.

In short, married couples will be utilized as the bridge for communication. Once interest is established, then measures will be facilitated to continue communication in a halal manner. If at any point the two candidates decide to take matters into their own hands, then this is out of the control of the coordinators. We do not claim to be match-makers nor do we have full responsibility over the parties. It is best to keep it halal and to involve the coordinators as much as it is appropriate to do so until a marriage is reached.

And Allah knows best.

Coordinators will only communicate interest if it is reciprocated. If you express interest in someone and it is not reciprocated, it could be for a variety of reasons.

  • The candidate may have also been interested but has begun engaging in a different opportunity so the timing was off
  • The candidate may have changed his/her mind about seeking marriage
  • The candidate may have experienced some event in life causing a delay in marriage plans
  • The candidate may not have been genuinely interested and decided not to reciprocate
  • etc.

It is important that candidates not take these matters personally. The actual reason for the candidate not reciprocating interest is not important and the married couples are instructed not to disclose the reason to their spouses. So the married brother or the married sister will simply not know the reason. This is to protect both the candidates and the coordinators from any unnecessary hardships.

Knowing that it didn't work out with that person is good news. It means that Allah (swt) did not intend that person for you, which means that in His wisdom and knowledge, He has someone better for you.

It is entirely possible for two Born Muslims to meet, express interest, and get married through our events. If this happens, it would be delightful. We make no judgments about who should be with whom. We are simply favoring the involvement of Convert Muslims due to the specific needs and challenges they face.

Check our home page under the "Matrimonials" section for the latest information on upcoming events. You should also find the latest information on this page in the regular content above.

The price for the event will depend on the number of people who apply and are accepted and subsequently depends on the size and cost of the venue. Our target price is anywhere between $10-$50 per candidate but not guaranteed to be within this range.

These events are not intended to be a source of revenue for the coordinators. The price is to cover the cost of the venue and any other expenses that may be incurred. We don't want the cost to hinder participation, so we will do our best to keep the cost as low as possible.

The default answer is no refunds. Due to the fact that we have to pay for the venue based on your promise to attend, we cannot refund your money if you don't show up. However, if we have a waiting list and someone can take your place, then we will refund your money. We reserve the right to make exceptions on a case-by-case basis. You should expect and accept the terms that your payment is non-refundable.

In a word, no. The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for Muslims to meet in a halal manner. Candidates are not allowed to exchange contact information or any other information that could lead to direct contact (e.g. last names, social media handles, etc.) at the event.

Connections must be made through the coordinators. Brothers will communicate with the male coordinators. Sisters will communicate with female coordinators. Breaking this rule will result in expulsion from the event and a ban from future events.

We are all here to do good things. Please respect the rules and the process. If you want to act outside the bounds of Islam, there are plenty of avenues to do so, please do not ruin our event.

Once your application is accepted, we will send you an invitation with the Date/Time and Location of the event. You'll have to register and pay for the event before the deadline indicated to confirm your participation once you receive an invitation. If payment is not received in time, your seat will be released to the next person in line on the waiting list.